Our various excavation and fieldwalking projects have generated large amounts of finds – mostly pottery of varying ages and items like roof tiles and bricks, but with the occasional prehistoric flint thrown in!
All these finds have to be washed and then catalogued. This provides a perfect way of learning about archaeological finds as it is an opportunity to examine things in detail and discuss how they were made and how they have ended up in a muddy field! We have been joined at times by archaeological finds’ specialists such as Dr Ailsa Mainman to learn more.
We have been very fortunate to have a member who has allowed us to store our finds in her barn and to hold regular sessions for washing and cataloguing. It was our late member Marjorie Harrison who coined the term ‘Silver Scrubbers’ and somehow it has stuck.
Covid obviously put a stop to our sessions, but hopefully we can start again soon. If you are interested in learning more, do contact us.